CO2 Transport and Storage
We at Kerone, dedicated to manufacture and install the pressing issue of Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by providing an innovative solution for safe and efficient CO2 Transport and Storage. With a team of experts and commitment to sustainability we at Kerone offer a range of solutions that help business to reduce the carbon footprint and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
CO2 transport and storage play an essential role in combatting climate change and realizing the goals of zero-carbon emissions. CO2 capture, transport and secure storage which is achieved as industry persists to emit large volumes of this greenhouse gas has been established to be one of the most effective means of addressing it. Our company aims to be an industry leader that responds to the global need to have effective CO2 transport and storage solutions with the goal of lowering carbon emissions for various industries we serve and contribute to the reduction of environmental impact.
The path our company has taken in the CO2 transport and storage was initiated by the fact that in contrast to the current state of affairs in which a highly praised CO2 capture and storage occurs, more is definitely needed to make a change. The real problem, however, is not in the capture of the CO2, it is in the CO2 transport and storage of the same.
CO2 transport and storage is the intermediate process that will accompany all of the captured CO2 and bring the CO2 captured from emission sources such as power plants, industrial plants or direct air capture to a storage location or utilize it in productive manner for such uses as enhanced oil recovery or industrial uses. This is a situation that our company has developed workable strategies to make this possible and safe for all the stakeholders involved.Once the carbon dioxide is formed the next process is to transport it to an injection site or a site for reuse. Some factors make the continuous transportation of carbon dioxide challenging because of its properties; however, over the years, various technological possibilities have been developed, and the transportation is already safe and efficient.
Methods of CO2 Transport and Storage
As mentioned above, there are different ways of transportation of CO2; however, the most practiced methods include pipeline transportation, marine, road tanker, and rail transportation. This involves the use of pipelines which is the common and most effective means especially for the long distance transportation of CO2. Similar to natural gas pipelines, the CO2 pipelines are intended for the transport of supercritical CO2 where the carbon dioxide assumes properties of both the liquid and the gas phases. Currently this state enable the CO2 to be compressed so that its volume will be small enough for easy transport.
Where pipelines are not possible this is because of geographic, economic or logistical reasons CO2 can also be shipped by sea. CO2 being a liquefied product, transport of it is done in dedicated vessels, thus effectively meeting the challenges posed in crossing through the seas. For smaller volumes of CO2 for short distance transport and for localized usage, road tankers and rail act as the other flexible modes of transport.
But when transferring it to its certain location, it has also to be sealed in such a way to ensure it does not escape the atmosphere. Carbon capture is also known as CO2 storage where CO2 can be injected into the geological formations in the ground and stay in there for thousands or even millions of years. It also helps to withdrew the carbon dioxide removed by the plant from the cycle thus playing a crucial role in reduction of green-house gases.Types of Geological CO2 Transport and Storage
The natural sinks for CO2 are structural features competent to store CO2 are deep subsurface structures and these are classified as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline formations and un-mineable coal seams. Subsea reservoirs especially those in oil and gas fields are more preferred as storage facility because of their successful history in entrapment of hydrocarbons for geological periods and therefore suitable to retain CO2.
The other prospective technique for CO2 transport and storage is by injecting it into saline aquifers these are deep formations of the earth containing salty water. These formations are rather common and possess potential for the storage of the significant amounts of CO2. Here, carbon dioxide is pumped into the aquifer and mixes with water reacting with minerals in the water to form solid carbonates thus requesting carbon.
Sometimes, CO2 is injected into the unbreakable seams of coal bed where the CO 2 can be dissolved by the coal. Unlike other methods of sequestration this method also offers an opportunity to improve methane recovery from the coal seams a factor that has a positive economic value to it.
KERONE is pioneer in application and implementation engineering with its vast experience and team of professionals. KERONE is devoted to serve the industry to optimize their operations both economically and environmentally with its specialized heating and drying solutions.Product Catalogue
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- Paddle Rotary Dryer
- Paddle Stirring Drum Rotary Dryer
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- Three Channel Drum Rotary Dryer