Shaker water Bath

Shaker water Bath

Shaker Water Bath is constructed as a double walled unit chamber with glass wool insulation from all side. The outer MS sheet is enamel painted and the inner chamber is polished with stainless steel. The working chamber is fitted with stainless steel tray with lotus clamps and is suitable for various flasks.

Tubular SS sheath heater is fitted below the platform and is controlled by digital temperature controller and is provided with a timer. The temperature ranges up to 100°C. The unit has gabbled lid added drain cock providing 40 to 160 strokes per minute and the speed is controlled by solid regulator.

Construction of Shaker Water Bath 

Water Bath is constructed as a double walled unit
Inner Chamber :
Stainless Steel
Outer Chamber :
Mild steel
Lid : 
SS Pyramid lid
Temp.Range :
5°C above normal to 99.99°C
Temp Control :
Uses Electronic Digital Display Temperature Indicator cum Controller
Shaking :
By AC/DC Geared Motor
Rpm Rang :
10 to 150 RPM
Speed Control :
By Electronic Speed Regulator

Tray Capacity :

  • 6 Flasks of 250 ml.
  • 9 Flasks of 250 ml.
  • 12 Flasks of 250 ml.
  • 18 Flasks of 250 ml.
KERONE is pioneer in application and implementation engineering with its vast experience and team of professionals. KERONE is devoted to serve the industry to optimize their operations both economically and environmentally with its specialized heating and drying solutions.

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